Graffiti are such badly perceived by the society, is this because of their support ( walls) or well due to the fact that they are sanctioned that the graffiti do not access to the status of Art and benefit at the very most from the designation 
" Urban Culture "?

Truskool, Tilt, Astr, Arone, Der, Posh
characters, portraits ...

(896 photos)

Is this simply because it is rapid and spontaneous (notably concerning the tag or the transfer) that it is not appreciated to its just value?
We assist today a real "war" against this means of expression, but it is proper to underline that the graffiti has a double communicative function.

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(945 photos)

In a first time ( and this since the prehistory! ) it makes call in the notion of the Group, the membership (the emblem of the fish in antiquity was the sign of Christianity ...),then, in a time second, it serves also to express ideas and opinions (whole a bunch in May 1968) but also a lot of bullshits (to be honest...)

(656 photos)

However we can note that since a fifteen of years the graffiti has modernized (beautified?) and seeks to make call to the emotion of the passer-by even if sometimes it can take a perhaps aggressive unusual form.
The graffiti is a new communication form ... but from then on that an activity allows someone to make relive to others his own sentiments can't it be called Art ?




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